OAuth2 Adapter Console Management



This repository provides console routes to manage a headless OAuth2 server.


Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to getcomposer.org:

composer require api-skeletons/zf-oauth2-doctrine-console "*"

Add this module to your application’s configuration:

'modules' => array(

Console Routes

  • oauth2:client:create Create a new client with or without a user.
  • oauth2:client:update Update a client.
  • oauth2:client:delete Delete a client.
  • oauth2:client:list List all clients.
  • oauth2:scope:create Create a scope.
  • oauth2:scope:update Update a scope.
  • oauth2:scope:delete Delete a scope.
  • oauth2:scope:list List all scopes.
  • oauth2:public-key:create Create the public/private key record for the given client. This data is used to sign JWT access tokens. Each client may have only one key pair.
  • oauth2:public-key:delete Remove the key pair public key from a client.
  • oauth2:jwt:create Create a new JWT for a given client. This JWT will be used by an oauth2 connection requesting a grant_type of urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer. Creating the JWT puts the oauth2 connection request’s public key in place in the OAuth2 tables.
  • oauth2:jwt:delete Delete a JWT.
  • oauth2:jwt:list List all JWT.

For the connecting side of JWT, zf-oauth2-client provides a command line tool to generate a JWT reqeust. See also http://bshaffer.github.io/oauth2-server-php-docs/grant-types/jwt-bearer/


Maintained by API Skeletons.